Sober living

Virginia Tax Tables 2021 Tax Rates and Thresholds in Virginia

In Virginia, there are different income tax rates for single filers compared to married couples filing jointly. As of 2021, Virginia uses a progressive income tax system with tax rates ranging from 2% to 5.75%. However, the tax brackets for married couples filing jointly are exactly double the corresponding brackets for single filers. This ensures …

Virginia Tax Tables 2021 Tax Rates and Thresholds in Virginia Pokračovat ve čtení »

Street Names for Drugs Commonly Used Drug Slang Terms

Smack drug addiction may put a strain on relationships with those closest to you, including family and colleagues. Vein injury, collapse, and venous insufficiency can result from long-term usage. Additionally, renal and hepatic problems might develop from chronic heroin usage. It can worsen preexisting health problems or cause new ones to emerge. What Drug is …

Street Names for Drugs Commonly Used Drug Slang Terms Pokračovat ve čtení »

FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions about AA & Alcoholism

Some professionals refer to alcoholism and drug addiction as “substance abuse” or “chemical dependency.” Nonalcoholics are, therefore, sometimes introduced to A.A. Meetings, but only those with a drinking problem may attend closed meetings. The digital age has expanded the resources available to AA members, offering a variety of online platforms that complement traditional meetings. Are …

FAQ’s Frequently Asked Questions about AA & Alcoholism Pokračovat ve čtení »

Treating Alcohol Use Disorder: Whole-Patient Approach and Evidence-Based Strategies

A heavy drinking binge may even cause a life-threatening coma or death. This is of particular concern when you’re taking certain medications that also depress the brain’s function. As a loved one of someone with an alcohol addiction, try to be encouraging and provide emotional support. Ultimately, sobriety is the responsibility of the person who …

Treating Alcohol Use Disorder: Whole-Patient Approach and Evidence-Based Strategies Pokračovat ve čtení »

How to Cope with Loneliness and Isolation During Detox and Rehab

Staying socially active can help you feel more connected even if you don’t have close friends. When you’re single, participating in local events, joining clubs or societies, and getting involved in activities you enjoy can combat loneliness. Interestingly, assumptions can play a huge role in how we deal with loneliness. The term “assume” comes from …

How to Cope with Loneliness and Isolation During Detox and Rehab Pokračovat ve čtení »

7 Types of Drunks: Your Personality & Reaction to Alcohol

Alcohol also depresses the activity of our prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain responsible for rational decision-making. You cannot go another minute without getting a taco, burger or whatever is the only restaurant that is open at this hour serves. When that first alcoholism treatment drop of delicious alcohol hits your tongue, your mind …

7 Types of Drunks: Your Personality & Reaction to Alcohol Pokračovat ve čtení »