Tenancy Agreement Artinya

Section 13-1. Introduction This law comes into force from the date the king rules. Section 13-2. Transitional provisionsThe Act applies in its entirety to leases entered into into force after the law came into force. For leases valid for an indeterminate period of time concluded prior to the commencement of this Law, the law applies from the expiry of the longest termination period from the effective date of the law, with the following exceptions or amendments:a) The provisions of section 3-1, paragraph 1, relating to rent are applicable from the date the rent is changed in accordance with the statutes or statutes. The provision in section 3-6, the second sentence, relating to the amount of the guarantee does not apply to guarantee agreements concluded before the law came into force. The same applies to the renewal of such contracts where the tenant was required to be bound by the lease agreement valid at the beginning of the Act.b) Chapter 9 termination provisions apply to termination after The provisions.c of Section 10-5 relating to compensation apply to improvements if the lessor`s consent was given after the Act came into force.d Chapter 11 provisions do not apply. Provisions made before the Act came into force.e) Section 12-1 arbitration provisions apply to arbitration agreements concluded after the act came into force. The temporary use right provisions of Section 12-3 apply when the law was passed after the act came into force.

The provisions of Section 12-4 relating to the enforceable declaration of enforceable force apply when the decision was made after the law came into force. For judgments made after the law comes into force, the time limit for recourse under section 360 of the Civil Procedure Act.f) Leases between housing co-operatives or housing co-operatives and their members on the right to use are also considered leases for an unspecified period under this provision. The provisions of Chapters 1 to 11 of the Act do not apply to term leases that were concluded before the act came into force. However, the provisions of the second paragraph, litera e, apply mutatis mutandis to leases valid for a specified period of time concluded before the law comes into force.