Subject Verb Agreement Act Practice Questions

Take the sentence: the cow jumps over the moon. You have to write the cow jumps instead of the cow jump, because only one subject (the cow) takes a singular verb (jump). The error is the subject-verb chord, so the correct answer should „show these clips.“ Note that a subject will not be part of a prepositionphrase. Most verb-theme chord issues in the ACT separate a subject from a verb with a preposition expression. Think about the strategy of cross-sentence to help answer these questions. If these things remain in the memory, no one will be surprised at the ease with which Alexander held the Asian Empire or the difficulties that others have encountered in keeping an acquisition. It is not by the weakness or fullness of capacity in the conqueror, but by the lack of uniformity in the subject state. While a non-essential clause usually begins with a relative pronodem (who, who, or where), it is not known in a sentence as appositive. A appositive serves the same purpose as a non-essential clause, but an appositive does not contain a verb. Here is a sentence with the appositive in fat: similarly in a sentence with a description, usually with a form of verb „being“, the subject is the name that is described. See: Just as preposition phrases, non-essential clauses and appositives are placed between subjects and verbs, to make it less clear when there is an error in the verb-subject chord.

Here is a sentence with a non-essential clause. I pointed out the subject and made the verb bold: now that the subject is right in front of the verb, the error of subject-verb chord is much more obvious. The strategy consists of three steps: as written, the problem in the choice is the lack of coherence between the subject of the dependent clause and its verb. The theme of the clause is „judgment“ and the verb is „distinguish.“ As an individual, „judgment“ requires a „-s“ as the end of the verb. But don`t make that change! As the author counters a number of judgments, it is preferable to make the plural theme, which makes the subject and the verb coincide. Keep a list of these rules next to you how you study and get into the habit of „matching“ a sentence under your own verb! Sometimes the collective nouns take the plural when the collective noun is in the sense of many individuals and not the group as a whole. After thwarting the non-essential clause, we still have „My boss gives useful advice.“ The theme of the singular is right next to the plural verb. The error in the verb-subject agreement should be obvious.

That`s nice. Collective names are names that involve more than one person (for example. B a group, a team, a family, etc.). Although they involve more than one person, the nouns are themselves singular and require singular verbs. Knowing the common tricks used by the ACT English section on issues that test your knowledge of the specialized verb agreement can be helpful. The more you know about these tricks, the sooner you will be able to recognize them and use the appropriate strategies to correctly answer the questions of the subject verb agreement.