Radford Collins Agreement

8. The Australians state (in Document A 1/10) „that it is necessary to reach agreement on the status of the ANZAM region as a possible place of war, where peace planning and war operations would be led by subordinate commandos by an organization chiefs of staff, corresponding to the status of the Chiefs of Staff of the United States and the United Kingdom and directly responsible for the Allied authorities for superior leadership in the war.“ 10. Finally, Australians remember that their adherence to the Middle East command depended on the fact that they had an effective voice both politically and strategically. The Australians mention that the UNITED Kingdom has spoken with them and the New Zealanders of the Middle East Defense Organization. They suggest that the issue of representation (in which they mean that they mean a possible link between LEE and MEDO) is the result of the proposed MEDO participants` conference.6 China`s growing challenge to U.S. primacy in Asia awaits putting pressure on traditional relations between Canberra and Washington. As long as Beijing is doing well, many in Australia seem willing to accept an important role for China. As a result, there is the potential for a U-turn for Australia`s historic strategy as a reliable and strong U.S. alliance partner – a development that would make Washington`s own strategy in the Asia-Pacific region work. The fact that one of America`s closest allies feels under pressure from Chinese power is certainly a sign that many U.S. assumptions about its role in the region need to be thoroughly studied.

The machines during World War II and now in Commonwealth Canberra politics over the past two decades have been investing in its alliance with the United States, convinced that the network of American alliances is the best way to meet China`s regional challenge. More recently, Australia has invested in other security partnerships, such as Japan and Singapore, to strengthen this network and strengthen regional resolve. Canberra`s intention was to anchor the U.S. presence in the western Pacific, strengthen Washington`s resolve in the face of China`s challenge and retain an important voice on regional security issues.