Understanding The Four Agreements

His posts among the first two can be summed up as follows: „Be aware of the chords that dictate your reality and have the discipline to change it.“ You could get a little more out of his writing, but not much. Unfortunately, its indications do not go far beyond a well-designed „Just do it“. The ancient Toltecs called themselves dream masters because they understood that we all live more in a dream than in an „objective reality“. And the good news is that we all have the power to change our dream. We must first become aware of our domestication and then adopt new agreements. I first heard the four chords as an audiobook, and then I bought the book of the fifth convention, which is basically the same, precisely that extra part @tine mentioned. Do I reread this, it was a very good and beautiful book So, that`s the agreement. With regard to your question about the indistinguishable in your answer, I refer you to „The Four Agreements“ in order to understand what miguel Ruiz means when he uses that term. Most people lack his explanation because they read „irreprosibly“ and distort them in other concepts that are already stored in their minds. There`s a big difference! We have to break many old arrangements and change a lot of domesticated beliefs to really keep a space for someone who hurts us or who is angry without judging to withdraw, defend, accuse, intellectualize, share their dream. Relationships can quickly become misunderstandings and struggles when people make assumptions.

That is why the third agreement is: „Don`t make assumptions.“ Why not try to break one of the hundreds or thousands of agreements you have now? Maybe you`re thinking you`re not good at painting — break the watercolors and have fun creating something. By gradually continuing the process, you can change things gradually for the better. I have neither read nor planned this book. I saw these four chords on the wall in a yoga teacher house and laughed. These tenants are what Saniel Bonder, the founder of Waking Down In Mutality, would call hyper-masculine ideas to improve us. They could improve our lives for a while, but like all self-improvement projects, they imply that ultimately we need more self-insurance. Although there is an important place for the action component in life (the male strength), it is necessary to reconcile it with the softer outfit and to accept the maternity qualities of the deep feminine. Truly loving us for and with all our human weaknesses is the key to the non-judgment of ourselves and others, and a surprising impudence.

This can pave the way for a deeper understanding that involves knowing us as an unlimited presence of Devine. Here is a spontaneous list of my 4 chords: (1) Give yourself a break – again and again by SoberFestUK , January 7 in Deepen your understanding of mindfulness, meditation, Buddhism and Eastern philosophies „We judge others also on our image of perfection, and of course, they fall short of our expectations.