How Many Countries Have Ratified The Paris Climate Agreement

Since the adoption of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change in 1992, Turkey has become more dependent on fossil fuels, particularly coal, to meet the growing demand for energy. Emissions increased by 135.4% between 1990 and 2016. The Paris Agreement is an environmental agreement that was adopted by almost all nations in 2015 to combat climate change and its negative effects. The agreement aims to significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in order to limit global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels this century, while continuing to pursue ways to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees. The agreement provides for the commitment of all major emitters to reduce their pollution from climate change and to strengthen these commitments over time. It provides developed countries with a means to assist developing countries in their mitigation and adaptation efforts and establishes a framework for monitoring, reporting and strengthening countries` individual and collective climate goals. The Kyoto Protocol, a pioneering environmental treaty adopted at COP3 in Japan in 1997, is the first time nations have agreed on country-by-country emission reduction targets. The protocol, which only came into force in 2005, set binding emission reduction targets only for industrialized countries, based on the fact that they are responsible for most of the world`s high greenhouse gas emissions. The United States first signed the agreement, but never ratified it; President George W. Bush argued that the agreement would hurt the U.S.

economy because developing countries such as China and India would not be included. In the absence of the participation of these three countries, the effectiveness of the treaty was limited, as its objectives covered only a small fraction of total global emissions. Analysis of the commitments made by countries concludes that, although they bring us closer to the 2-degree target, they are not ambitious enough to achieve this. An analysis under U.S. law, U.S. participation in an international agreement can be denounced by a president acting on the executive branch or by an act of Congress, regardless of how the United States adhered to the agreement. The Paris agreement stipulates that a party cannot withdraw from the agreement within the first three years of its entry into force. Because climate change is fuelling rising temperatures and extreme weather events, it is endangering our air, water and food; Widespread diseases and endangers our homes and security.