Verb Agreement With Total

If it is possible, then it means the word, the number is implied. (A) is not correct, because the sum of money must always be treated in the sense of the plural when 12. Use a singular verb with any verb, and much of the verb simone. In the example above, the plural corresponds to the actors of the subject. In this example, politics is only a theme; Therefore, the sentence has a singular verb. 1. A sentence or clause between the subject and the verb does not change the subject`s number. 11. Team names and music group names that are plural take plural verbs.

For example: The Yankees are in first place. The Jonas Brothers are popular. They take a singular verb if they refer to a single quantity: If the name acts as a unit, use a singular verb. In each of your examples, names act as units. For example, Metallica as a unit, not just some members of the band, is launching a new album. Therefore, all examples are used. As their answer above is the first option is correct, but I read a rule that „If two individual names related to and refer to the SAME THING the verb used with them should be singular. That`s why I`m a little confused.

It will be great if you can summarize a little bit the words „same thing“ in general, which I said above. Would the word men have a singular or a plural verb? Ex: (Does / Do) the three men have reservations. With respect to the second sentence, our article 8 of the convention of reference and verb says: „The pronouns of everyone, of everyone, of anyone, of someone, of someone and of someone are singular and require singular verbs.“ The grammatically correct phrase could be: „If all passengers please, stand,“ or the heavy „If everyone would take their place, please.“ The Associated Press Stylebook classifies the data as a plural noun, usually using plural verbs and pronouns. An additional note indicates that some words, such as. B data that is plural, become collective subtantives and accept individual verbs when the group or quantity is considered a unit. Examples: the data is solid. A unit. The data was carefully collected. (individual elements) It`s a little late in the day, I know. I do not know if this has ever been mentioned or if it is because I am English, but the whole basis of the author`s assertion is fundamentally wrong.

You cannot simply extract the word „one“ from the expression to which it is inseparably bound, and call it the subject just because it suits them. As we know, the subjects can be more telling. The topic here is an example: „One in four people in the world“ is the subject. You can`t just take the first word and call it the subject and the rest of the prepositional words. Could you write this sentence without „four people in the world“ and keep a sense of its meaning? No no. Since there are not only four people in the world, one in four people is more than one, making it the plural. Therefore, „are“ should be used, not „is.“ Since you have several themes in your sentence, use the plural verb. In addition, many publishers would remove the comma after „life.“ This thread is quite long, so I`m not able to read all the o-shaped. But from what I`ve read, I tend to agree with the author`s opinion of things.